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2003-02-05 @ 9:56 p.m.

I'm sick

So I didn't go to work today. I hate that I had to use a full sick day and it's only Feb 5th. Yesterday my throat was a little sore and I felt a cold coming on. I called my pharmacist to see if there was anything I could take for my sore throat with the back meds I'm on. He said no. (did I mention that the other day? don't remember and Im too lazy to go look). Anyhoo, I tried to go to bed early. And considering I've been going to bed at like 2am lately, midnight was early.

Woke up this morning and my throat was killing me, I had NO sound coming out of my mouth and my head felt like it weighed 9,000 lbs. I called my office left a note for my dad that I am not going to work and do not wake me up and ask me how I am (If I haven't left for work he comes up and wakes me up b/c I have somehow shut my alarm off instead of snoozing and have fallen back to sleep) and went back to bed. However, my dad did not read the note and woke me up anyway. arg. So I stayed in bed till 2pm sleeping on and off. Went downstairs, had soup and a bagel. Went back up stairs, finished my book and went back to sleep till 530. Went to physical therapy at 6pm where my therapist looks at me and goes "wow, you look like crap today". Thanks Scott. Good thing he's cute and nice and I knew he was joking around. He really is a good guy and a great therapist. He pays so much attention to me and helping me. Last time I went to PT for my ankle, the place and the people sucked. Everyone here is so nice. Peak Performance in Lynbrook, NY. I highly recommend the place. Anyway, came home, had some TCBY for dinner and now I had a bagel and chatting with Jenn.

And that's about it. My family and Eddie are coming to see my show on Sat. I hope my voice is back by then. I have some speaking voice. Haven't tried to sing today. I think I'll wait till tomorrow to try.

I am feeling better tonight so far.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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