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2003-02-26 @ 10:21 a.m.

OZ is over

I was looking so forward the the series finale of OZ Monday night (I didn't get to see it Sunday b/c of the CofE cast party so I taped it to watch Monday night). I read that Tom Fantana (the creator) was going to wrap things up.

Well, IT SUCKED!!! I absolutely hated it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Shillinger is dead and Toby got to do it. BUT they started new story lines which was really annoying - Quirns coming back which is just totally absurd considering all the problems he caused and got fired for and now make him WARDEN? PLEASE. And the whole thing with Alverez starting on drugs - is he trying to kill himself? whats that all about? And the whole thing with Timmy Kirks mother and the death in the hospital. And O'Reilly and Dr. Nathan kissing. And Officer Howell is PG with one of the inmates kids??? Why start all these new story lines in the LAST episode. ugh. Just wrap things up. I'd be much happier. Although it did end the way I wanted by having the building evactuated. I wanted something like an explosion, or a closing of OZ because it wasn't working or something like that. A guess an Anthrax/bioterrorism evacuation is close to what I wanted. At least we know O'Reilly made peace with his dad. McManus and his ex seem to be getting back together. And Toby's 2 biggest nemises are dead (Shillinger and Keller). OH, and we know why Joel Gray's character killed Siad. Still thought the episode as a whole sucked. Maybe I'll write to Tom Fantana and be like WTF was that letdown???

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