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2003-03-31 @ 8:55 p.m.

Cancer sucks more ....

My day started off great for a Monday. The day at work flew by. I'm not SWAMPED anymore b/c we have a new full time employee to help lighten my load. I got my ass to the gym for the first time since I hurt my back Christmas Eve and it felt great! Then I bought a bunch of weight watchers meals and stuff. Got some good stuff from Trader Joe's as well. Came home and had TWO packages waiting for me: a book (another sequal to Pride and Prejudice) and my CD of Les Miserables. Woo hoo, I thought! Could this day get better??

Then my mom came home from the doctor and my day sucked. She still has cancerous cells in her blood stream. It is not a high level (it's at 11 whatever that means), but in my opinion, any is too many. Anyway, she has to go for blood work everyday this week. And then on Monday she goes into the hospital for 3 days for a radiation treatment. The doctor says she has a very aggressive form of Thyroid cancer and so this time they are going to be more aggressive with the radiation. She takes it pill wise though, not machine shooting light beams and shit thru her, so it's still not as bad as it could be. She'll be in isolation in LIJ and out of work for at least 6 weeks. We can't even visit her in the hospital. My mom is soooo optimistic about it all and joking around about being "zapped". Thank goodness, makes it a little easier to deal with.

And my prayers to Rachelle's brother who was send to fight in the war Saturday at 3pm. We don't know where he is yet...

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