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2003-04-24 @ 9:17 a.m.

new guy is outta here

So not only does Secretary Day come and go with not even a "thank you" from anyone I work with, today, the new guy gets lets go. He would have been here a month today and he called in sick yesterday. Yes folks, you read that correctly, he called in sick. Unbelievable. He was slow and couldn't retain shit and well, was just never very good and deserved to be let go. But now that means twice as much work and stress again for Madelin. With no "thank you"s or a bonus or nothing. UGH. It's just too scary out there to become the new guy and be the first on the line to get laid off at a new job when I have job security here. grrr.

If I had more talent I'd try to get a tour of something, but well then, that's not very stable work either is it? I emailed Randal Keith - the current Valjean on Broadway (yes, I'm a dork) asking him what his plans were for after Les Mis closes on broadway. His reply "for now, unemployment". Fun. Going from a standing O leading man to unemployment. That's gotta hurt.

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