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2003-07-29 @ 4:15 p.m.

my day so far....

I am so bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.

I wish I had something to write about, but I don�t. Let�s see. I can tell you about my plans for the next few weeks.

Saturday night I�m going to go see La Cage at Hofstra.

Sunday is Donna�s bday and I�m going to meet her inbetween her shows for her bday.

Monday is Jenn�s surgery and the audition for Mrs. Sowerberry with NETworks.

Aug 8 is Eddie�s Bday.

Aug 12 are J&H auditions at CAP.

Aug 16 I�m getting my hair done and going to see Grease at CAP � and Rocky Horror if either Jerry or Flip is the narrator.

Aug 22 is Rachelle�s graduation!!!

Aug 24 is the Doors concert at Jones Beach

Aug 27 I am supposed to go to CA - but I might be calling that trip off b/c Angela is moving to Texas and it�ll be better all around if I didn�t go and visit her just before she moves.

And that is pretty much it for my schedule so far.

Cute boy was in this morning � which was a nice little treat � and he commented on how he liked my hair, as he was running out the door. My hair doesn�t look any different today than any other day that he sees me. Stupid boys.

I�ve cracked 3 nails. My nail lady is not going to be happy. I feel bad that I don�t know her name and I�ve been going there for like year now. I know one of them is Lydia. Don�t know the names of the other 3 women. And I believe they are Korean. It�s so darn hard to understand them. Tonight is fill-in/manicure and pedicure. Pedicure�s are so weird to get. I always feel weird with them down there at my feet. Oh well. My toes come out all pretty and I get a nice calf and foot massage!

Anybody know any good, clean, short jokes??? I don�t know any and would like to have some to be able to tell.

I watched the biography on Delta Burke last night that was on right before the �Designing Women Reunion� show. Delta was told, at 5� 5�, 110lbs and a size 6 that she was too fat and had to lose weight by Hollywood standards. Doesn�t anyone else think that is INSANE!!!! And I was so jealous of how much her husband, actor Gerald McRaney, loves and adores her no matter what her size is. You can just see it when he looks at her. It�s like when my friends Donna and Jerry look at each other. There is just that extra something special there that you know it�s going last forever. Anyway, the show was very touching at moments, like when Delta was talking about her mental problems she had and thanked the cast for helping her and supporting her as much as they could despite the problems that developed b/c of her problems, and Annie Potts turned to her and � I just wish we knew more about it all when it was happening so we could understand what was going on and help you more�.

I won $50 on a $2 lottery scratch off ticket that my aunt and uncle gave me for my bday. Yay for free money.

Oo, work from boss�finally�

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