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2003-08-04 @ 6:01 p.m.

I went all by myself...

entry #2 today:

I'm proud of me. I got up and got my train to NYC (where I did not have to change at Jamaica - woo hoo) to audition for the Oliver tour for Mrs Sowerberry. The audition space was on 8th bet 36 & 37 so I walked there in the friggin humidity that was out of control this morning. The audition space was really nice. I went and signed in and saw Kate Andreas and we chatted. I chatted with the short fat chick next to me. Two women came in and told us about the tour and the pay and stuff. Then we eventually it was my turn. They just kept saying to really just act the song. Don't worry so much about how much you sound. Play it big. And make eye contact and sing to all the auditioners in the room. And walk in there confident and strong. Okay. So I go into this pretty large room, and I think I walked in there pretty confident and strong, and at one end is a table set up with one woman and 5 men. The accompaniest was about 1/2 way up the room with his back to them and facing us. The woman is just like a monitor, and not really one of the auditioners. My headshot and resume get handed to the first guy at the table and he says "so, you are madelin?". I say, "yes I am". And he smiles. He says "what are you going to sing for us?" I stopped, look right at him and said "Don Juan from Smokey Joes Cafe" and then started to walk to the man who was going to play for me. One of the 2 young hot boys behind the table said "ooo, good song". I turned and said "thank you!". I instructed mr. piano man on what I was going to sing and gave him a tempo and walked over to the center of the room. I made eye contact with everyone of them. I used the space pretty well...walking from one side of the room to the other and forward a bit. They were all smiling and laughed at the end. But then they just said "thank you" and I left. Dman. They were still looking at my resume when I left b/c I looked back one last time to say thank you and the last guy at the table was holding my resume up and reading it. The only girls they were keeping were over 5'7" and skinny. I am not either of those. But, I went and I did it and who knows..I could get called for future replacements.

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