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2003-08-07 @ 11:34 a.m.

Rest In Peace Gretty

My brothers mother-in-law passed away at about 1am this morning. My sil made it there to see her and talk to her for a bit. Gretty wanted to die in her own home, and they were lucky enough to have gotten her out of the hospital and home for a few hours before she passed away.

My brother came home last night, got the car, had a quick dinner and took off. I�m glad I went home and spent a few minutes with him before he left. He made it all the way to Ohio last night � 400 miles.

The funeral is Saturday in WI. I asked my brother if he wants me to go. Basically he said its up to me. He�s not going to tell me not to come, and if I want to go he'll pay for my airfare. He said it would be nice to have me there, but I don't have to.

What do I do now??

I think I have to go to WI.

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