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2003-09-02 @ 12:37 p.m.

weekend update


Was great. My boss told us we were leaving at 3pm. At 2:15 I heard him get a phone call which would be work for me which would have been fine if he didn�t until 2:45 to bring it me. Ass. Anyhoo, ended up going to the beach for dinner anyway! Yay! I love going there for dinner. A lot of peeps showed up this week and Brian didn�t, woo hoo. It was Jerry, Mike, Eddie, Me, Mike K, Laurie, Tom, Bob and Dana.


Eddie brought me lunch and then we drove around aimlessly for while. We got Cold Stone Creamy while we were out. Then I went to visit my �uncle� Buddy. He�s really my grandmothers nephew�so how he is related to me exactly, not really sure, but he counts as family. Anyway, he is really sick and has cancer all up and through him. There�s nothing more the docs can do for him. So he takes his meds, using the oxygen when he needs it and just waits. His spirits are extremely high. He just accepts that this is what his situation is, and keeps going until he can�t. The visit wasn�t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. He is still the same ol Buddy. It was nice. Then I went and met up with Donna, Eileen and Steve and we saw Jerry (and Rich) in Rocky Horror. And I got a big huge hug from my Matt Rubin! We all (except Matt) went and hung out at Bogey�s afterwards for a while. Very exciting to get to chat with Dan as well. He is so cute. When I walked in the bar he chanted my name for like 2 minutes. Hehe. I promised I would come see him on Rent tour now that he has been bumped up from swing to permanent cast member! I think he said he is Paul?? Don�t recall the name, but now I have to go see it.


Rachelle�s graduation party � which I had a really good time at. I had to leave earlier than I wanted to b/c of Eddie. Next time he takes his own car.


Went with Mom and Dad in the rain to go shopping for pool. Went to Island Rec where the very nice Katie helped us. Then we went to Harrow�s, which sucked ass, so we went back to Island Rec and WE GOT A NEW POOL FOR NEXT SUMMER! Yay!!! It�s silver. It�s 15� round so it�s a foot smaller in diameter (the support poles are fatter now and won�t fit in the cement circle we have for the pool to fit in so we had to go smaller). BUT it is 53� deep as opposed to the old 48� deep. And we got a fancy liner as well � blue and grayish/silver. We are getting new steps for inside the pool as well that are wider and bigger and that we can sit on in the pool. Very nice. Delivery date of the materials is 4/19/04. The installation appt will be made in January once it�s paid off! Woo hoo! And yes, there will be a pool party next summer!!! Chatted with Randal for a few minutes � to wish him a belated Birthday. He has got 12 hour a day rehearsals all this week till they open next Tues on the 9th. That�s a lot of rehearsal.


Back at work in the icky rain and it�s FREEZING in my office. I�m sneezing my head off. My med�s make me poop a lot (which is normal according to Amy!) Rehearsals start tonight for J&H. I�m excited to be doing a show again. I kinda missed it this summer. I enjoy that kind of work.

And that�s about all I have to say for now�

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