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2003-09-07 @ 11:20 p.m.

good weekend

Alright�lets see�.Friday after a looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnng ass day at work, which was also our first Friday back to working till 5:00pm. Grrr. Gerry had a prior commitment, so no beach. Grrr. Instead of going out I decided to rent some movies and chill out at home. I cleaned a little and chatted online as well. I watched �How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days�. Cute movie. I love Matthew McConaughey. And that southern drawl�yummy. He needs to get back together with Sandra Bullock b/c they are just way too cute together. LoL.

Saturday I had to get up at the buck ass crack of dawn (anything earlier than 10am fall into the category for me on a Saturday! Hehe) to get my hair done � yay no more roots! Only bad thing is that red highlights basically disappear � but I�ll get em back next time. Too expensive to re-do them every time I go. Then I went and met Vanessa and Shari and Bayway to see Rick in �You�re A Good Man, Charlie Brown� at 4pm. And yay for the bonus of seeing Brianne there! The show was good. The show was overall vocally a little weak, but otherwise it was fun. The 4 of us went to Applebee�s for dinner and then back to Vanessa�s and Shari�s apt to chill and party � which we did till 2am. And when the munchies came upon us � they had all low fat snacks to munch on! Yay for that!

Sunday I slept till 1pm. Ah good sleep. Eddie and I contemplating driving to NJ for Fudruckers since they closed all the ones here, but since I had rehearsal at 7pm we opted to try American Burger instead. We drove all the way out to Massapequa, saw the line and turned around and came back to the one in Rockville Centre. I was able to get a 45 min nap in there (yay for naps) before I had to leave for rehearsal � which went well. We got some of Murder, Murder done and we got out at like 9:30pm. Nice. Now I�m just chilling, watching Friends and waiting for midnight so I can watch Sex in The City and go to bed.

Jets Lost - boo

Giants won - YAYA

Good weekend.

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