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2003-10-07 @ 12:27 p.m.

Siegfried & Roy are no more

I heard about the Siegfried and Roy show accident yesterday morning and was surprised, but not surprised at the same time. I mean, come on, they are working with wild animals where their natural habitat is not on stage, in front of thousands of people with flashing lights and loud music playing being disaplined by having a microphone banging on your head. I know it was a fantastic show � although now I truly regret not seeing it when I was in Vegas a few years back � and they are beautiful creatures, and that neither Siegfried or Roy had ever had an accident or mishap with these tigers, but after all, they are tigers.

Here are some clippings from various articles: news - U.S. National � AP, Monday, October 6, 2003, By Adam Goldman:: Horn was mauled on stage by a white tiger during a Friday evening performance of Siegfried & Roy at The Mirage. He was injured about 45 minutes into the show when the 7-year-old tiger, Montecore, refused Horn's command to lie down. The tiger locked its jaws on Horn's arm, and when Horn hit the animal with a microphone, it lunged at him, clamping his jaws on Horn's neck.

Las Vegas Review-Journal, Tuesday, October 07, 2003, by Frank Curreri:

Horn suffered severe blood loss Friday night and during surgery he had to be resuscitated. He then suffered a stroke and had to undergo another surgery Saturday morning. A penetrating neck wound caused by a bullet, a knife or, in Horn's case, the bite of a large animal, can rip arteries in the neck that supply blood to the brain. The damaged blood vessels can then cause a stroke, he said. "Between the two arteries, that's the entire blood supply to the brain," Hammargren said. The two arteries are the carotid, which supplies blood to the front of the brain, and the vertebra, which supplies blood to the back area of the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts, causing the brain to begin to die due to a lack of oxygen, according to the American Stroke Association. Strokes can cause paralysis and impaired vision or speech.

I hope that maybe some of those sicko�s out there who try to keep these wild animals as domesticated pets learn something from this. If this can happen to someone who has all this experience and training and knowledge, imagine what can happen to someone who doesn�t and tries to raise one.

For those of you who don�t know, Roy is the one on the right and that is the 7 year old white bangle tiger Montecore that attacked him.

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