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2003-11-05 @ 11:51 a.m.

I can knit!!! ... well ... sort of ...

I went to knitting class last night and it was so much fun! We didn�t learn how to cast yet (meaning starting it on the needle). The instructor (Susan, who I didn�t like at first, but now I do) said it she likes to teach you the actually stitching first so it�s easier to understand the casting later. Cool. I did about 6 rows in 90 minutes. 2 rows I did awesome. The others I made like 1-2 mistakes on and I�d have to wait for her to come back and fix it for me�hehe. I tried to do a row when I got home last night, but I messed up and now I have to wait b/c no one around me knits. I�m hoping to be able to book over there for a few minutes on Sat to have her fix it for me so I can try to do it again, correctly. I can see and find my mistakes, I just have to stop making them. 3 times I didn�t come thru and over, I was just bringing it over (not that most of you understand any of that! Lol). And one time I just completely dropped the stitch. Oh well. I�ll get it. I didn�t do so awful for having no concept of it and never doing before. I�m so excited about this � although it does take away from my reading time. LOL. I�m already excited to go back next Tuesday! Ro and I signed up for 3 classes. Then I think my grandma can show me the rest, and whenever I really need help or want to do more, I can always go back.

I think that after the holidays I�m gonna have to really start bucking down and either find a part time job/extra income job type thing or find a new job that pays more money. I�m just not making it with all the debt I have gotten myself into. I know it�s all my own fault, so I have to make the changes/sacrifices to fix it. New year. New me.

I have been eating like a crazy person who has never eaten before for the past few days. This cycle is killing me!!! Massive insane migraine, eating like I�m gonna die. Crying and agitated at everything and everyone. Grrr. Hopefully it�ll only last another day or two. Not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow.

Well, that�s about it for real stuff. Here�s some playing around stuff:

Sweet Dreams
"Sweet Dreams" (by Eurythmics)

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?

Travel the world and the seven seas

Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you

Some of them want to abuse you

Some of them want to be abused

Which 80's Song Fits You?
brought to you by Quizilla



A not necessarily well-prepared student sat in his life science classroom, staring at a question on the final exam paper.

The question directed: "Give four advantages of breast milk."

What to write? He sighed, and began to scribble whatever came into his head, hoping for the best:

1. No need to boil.

2. Never goes sour.

3. Available whenever necessary.

So far so good - maybe. But the exam demanded a fourth answer. Again, what to write? Once more, he sighed. He frowned. He scowled, then sighed again. Suddenly, he brightened. He grabbed his pen, and triumphantly, he scribbled his definitive answer:

4. Available in attractive containers of varying sizes.

He received an A.



*Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive, caring, and good-looking?

Because those men already have boyfriends.

*What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?

"Are you sure it's mine?"

*Where does an Irish family go on vacation?

A different bar.

*Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?

They named him "Sum Ting Wong"

*What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern Fairytale?

A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time..." A southern fairytale begins "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit..."

*Why is there no Disneyland in China?

No one's tall enough to go on the good rides.


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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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