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2003-11-21 @ 4:41 p.m.

getting things in order

WW update � lost 2 lbs. At least I�m going in the right direction again. Jeez. I gotta stay out of that little rut I was in � hopefully it doesn�t come back. I�m working my way out of it, slowly. I�m finally at a place where I am okay by myself and needing a man to make me happy. I�m getting my finances back in order, and I know that is going to take some time. I just have to start making better decisions. Am I still going to be frivolous and stupid with money, of course I am, who am I kidding, but I can cut back on it a bit, right? I�m gonna try anyway. I�m working on getting my weight problem in order. Can I be more committed? sure I can. Can I do a lot better than I am doing right now? you bet. Am I doing the best I think I can do right now? Yes, I do actually. I am def getting myself into better patterns. Water intake is at least 1 liter a day. Next is to bump it up to 2 liters a day. I actually find myself WANTING water. What a concept. I now work out 4 times a week (mon and wed Curves, sun and tues treadmill, thurs 1 hr tap/1 hr ballet class). Leaving me Fri and Sat off. I think that�s a pretty good plan. I�ve gone a few nights in a row now with out reaching for something bad for me to eat at night. That�s where I lose it. At home, at night. But that is a change that I need to keep up and shouldn�t make me feel deprived of anything b/c its just ridiculous.

Next thing I need to do is my room�ironically enough Jenn is IMing me about that now�lol. I need to go thru my clothes and dust collectors and *gasp* shoes to see what I can donate/throw out. I need to organize my books and a box of financial papers. I want to paint my room as well. I want to paint it a dark color. My rug is a like a rose/mauve color, so it�s hard to match up. I would love to do like a wine or burgundy, but that might clash too much. Green will make it look like an Easter Egg exploded in there. Hmmm. Any suggestions? I gotta get a swatch of my rug from like a corner of my closet and go and match it up.

Busy busy weekend ahead which starts in like 15 minutes, so imma gonna sign off and talk to all you beautiful people later.

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