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2004-01-08 @ 3:03 p.m.

it's all about me...

Things I SHOULD be doing:

1- working

2- eating a WW meal

3- listening to the Ragtime soundtrack

4- wearing something appropriate for the office

5- drinking water

Thing I AM doing:

1- typing this entry

2- eating a cup of wonton soup (3 wontons) and an entire bag of noodles

3- listening to the Thoroughly Modern Millie soundtrack

4- wearing sweats, a hooded long sleeve T and cardigan (wow, that�s combo)

(5- I actually just popped open my bottle of water so I am one up now! � but I dumped another bag of Chinese noodles into my soup so strike that) hahaha

I wanna play Miss Flannery in Millie.

OOO, here are some more survey questions that was on Angela�s page � I only took the ones that I haven�t done a thousand times before:

[five songs that have been stuck in your head lately]

1) Henry Ford � from Ragtime

2) Crime of The Century � from Ragtime

3) The Theme to the Muppet Show

I don�t have room for anymore in there�

[five tv shows you liked when you were a little kid]

1) Sesame Street

2) The Electric Company

3) The New Zoo Revue

4) Josie and the PussyCats

5) Magic Garden

[five places you go most often in your neighborhood]

1) CAP

2) work

3) curves gym

4) CAP

[seven things you love]

1) my friends

2) my family

3) movies & music

4) Love, passion, happiness, hope

5) singing, dancing, acting

6) being creative

7) woobie

[seven things you hate]

1) Stupidity

2) Arrogance

3) Allergies

4) being fat

5) Drama queens

6) not having an amazing singing voice

7) when I get jealous

[seven things on your desk at work � not including telephone and computer]

1) Bottle of water

2) Advil

3) Pens/pencils/writing utensils in a holder/stamps

4) stapler/tape dispenser/rolodex/post its pop up holder

5) bins with TONS of work I�m ignoring

6) girlie stuff: lotion, chap stick, tweezers, nail file

7) a fan

[six facts about you]

1) I�m becoming more of a bitch as I get older

2) I can�t cook

3) I sleep with a blanket (woobie)

4) I enjoy being single

5) I had braces for 4 years

6) I slack off at work WAAAAAAY to much

7) I'm stubborn with a short temper

[five traits you like in members of the opposite sex]

1) Humor

2) Eyes

3) a little bit of a belly

4) thoughfulness

5) Tall

[five celebrities you would have sex with.]

1) Colin Firth

2) Viggo Mortensen

3) Orlando Bloom

4) Hugh Grant

5) do Jeff Thacher and Randal Keith even though they are like D list celebrities???

(I�ll go with Ang on this one: Honorable Mention: Catherine Zeta Jones: If I was gay, man she'd be Numero Uno)

Okay I�m bored with this � I�m sure I�ll be back later

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R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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