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2004-01-09 @ 4:18 p.m.

I need me a rich ol sugar daddy

I love to people watch. It amuses, for the most part. To see how certain people act around other people. For example: boy #1 is flirting hard with girl. When boy #1 wasn�t around boy #2 was all over that shit in a heartbeat. I�m looking forward to see the actions of boy #2 when boy #1 is there again. Meanwhile good for girl! She�s got them fawning over her (and quelle surprise � she�s like a size 2).

I have the patter song from Millie stuck in my head�if only I knew all the words I probably wouldn�t annoy myself so much.

Genuflection to Henry Ford.

So my boss was not the nice guy I thought he was � I thought he wasn�t going to dock me the 2 extra days out I was out sick. But in today�s paycheck he docked THREE days. I only was over by 2. So I gave him my list of days off and he and he hasn�t gotten back to me yet. I know him, he�ll take it home and ponder it for the weekend (no, I don�t know what the fuck there is to ponder, but he will). And Monday morning when he comes back to me (hopefully) I�m gonna hit him for a raise at the same time. Might as well, right. It is the new year and I have to initiate the review/raise talk. He never does. I really should look for a new job. But except for the money aspect, I like it here. But I guess I will start taking a gander at Monster and places to see what�s out there. I�m not gonna just go for any job b/c it pays more money � its got to at least be an interesting place of sorts if I�m gonna leave here�.this sucks. I just need to win like $50K-$100K in the lotto and I�ll be happy.

OR, I could find a rich, old sugar daddy..anybody know any?????

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