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2004-03-17 @ 2:59 p.m.

too much reality TV


I had my job interview last night. I was there for 2 hours. I met with an HR person then with 3 out of the 5 attorney�s I�d be working for. Basically, they are creating a new position � a second secretary for the Patent Lawyers � of which there are 5 of them (and one paralegal). I felt it went okay, but you never know with these things so I�ll just wait. Although I�ve had a bitch of a time getting their email addresses. I mean, I know it�s my own fault that I should have gotten their cards or something last night, but I kept getting moved on from one person to the next and I just forgot. One of the people in HR finally got me the email of the HR person I interviewed with, but is having trouble getting the email addy�s of the 3 atty�s. Goodness gracious. If I don�t hear from her by tonight I�m gonna snail mail them thank you letters.

Watched Average Joe � Adam returns. He seems so sweet. I like how the other avg Joe�s picked out the chicks. There is one chick that reminds me of Gonzo from The Muppets � she was the one in the pink dress with the pink flip flops on. Hehe.

American Idol is okay. I�m not really blown away by any of them. I like the Hawaiian chick with the flower in her hair. I like Diana, the 16 year old that Simon thinks looks like a doll. I missed Latoya and Amy sing. Matt, well, he is just my �type� so I say keep him! LOL. I can�t stand the red head crooning guy. Ugh. Leah should get the boot � she looked good with the straight hair but still can�t sing for shit. Fantasia sounds too much like Macey Gray. Jennifer Hudson needs some lessons to learn how to learn how to control her voice (although she was much better last night) and she�d be a tough cookie to beat. Something about George just bothers me. I don�t know what it is, but it�s something. Pencil salesman guy sounds like he could have a really good voice. He just needs to pick better songs and stop dancing around so much so he can support his notes better. OH and get rid of the other Hawaiian chick Camille. I hate how she always sounds like she has a cold. Annoying.

Survivor tonight! Woo hoo.

24 days till Randal! Woo hoo.

Seeing lots of friends this weekend! Double woo the hoo hoo!

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