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2004-04-27 @ 11:26 a.m.

Today for you, tomorrow for me!

Last night Donna and I went to Bravo On With the Show at the Imperial Theatre. These kids from all over the country enter a contest and are brought to NYC for 3 days of classes which culminate in a performance in front of a live audience in a broadway theatre. It was amazing what these kids accomplished in 3 days. So we get to the theatre and I guess last night was the opening of Raisin In The Sun b/c there are all these huge spotlights and camera men and people all crowding the area around the theatre across the street where RITS was. D and I stopped to look to see if we could see Puffy or anyone else, but we didn�t. We go to the Imperial, D shmoozes with some peeps she knows from when she worked at Bravo and we take our seats. I open up the playbill and see that Jai Rodriguez is the host! Ahhh! (For those who don�t know � he is one of the guys on Queer Eye For The Straight Guy and he was Angel in �Rent� �whom I got see once) He was just too cute and giggly all night. He got to sing a song (some song from �The Wild Party�) which was beautiful. After the show he was lingering around with his entourage (2 other flamers and a chick whom we assumed to be his agent, his publicist and prob a boyfriend). I attempted some stalker photos from a far. But I finally got up the nerve to ask him for a pic! Yay. He is soooo tiny. And sooo dang cute. He seems like he actually really shy. Awww. I am not home until Wednesday, so I can�t upload them until then.

We called Ro and Eye to see if they wanted to join us for dinner. Ro couldn�t, but D and I went and met Eye at the studio and we mozied over to On The Boarder for some Fajeeetah�s. This just for D & Eye � he�s an asshole, he�s an asshole, he�s an asshole, he�s and aa-aaa-aaaasssshoooooolee (sung to the ending of On My Own). As we were dropping Eye back off at the studio, BG was locking up the studio and we ended up hanging out in the parking lot talking for about 2 hours. Needless to say I�m pooped today from not getting nearly as much sleep as I had planned. And esp. since I didn�t get enough of sleep on Sunday night either.

However, I will still get my fat ass to the gym. AND Paula is going to join me!!! Yay for having a gym buddy today!

OO, the $50 bill is getting a makeover

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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