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2002-05-23 @ 3:21 p.m.


I hate being sick. I have been sick since Friday. I was fine Thursday. I woke up Friday morning and SMAK, it hit me. Cold and hot flashes, achy from head to toe, a cough ripping thru my throat and phlegm everywhere. yuck yuck and more yuck. Doc says is viral, which means - too bad, can't do anything about it, here's some cough med and a decongestant..blah blah blah. Hey it could be worse right? right.

Today I get to see my surgeon about my having my gallbladder removed, which I am having done *hopefully* in July. That bad boy needs to come out.

3 day weekend coming up....yeee haaaa.

Rockapella tomorrow night! Then Steve&Eileen's White Trash BBQ on Saturday. Saturday night going to see "Closer Than Ever" which, unfortunately my ex boyfriend is in, but who cares I LOVE that show. Sunday a BBQ with Eddie. Sunday night meeting up with Rick and his friends from Victor/Victoria. Staying at Ricks Sunday night and then we have another BBQ on monday at my friend Rich's place. Jeez. I'm tired just thinking about it!


Madelin ") ")

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Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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