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2002-06-05 @ 4:13 p.m.

Rockapella - Hofstra

Things with Angela seem to going pretty well. We have a lot in common. I just hope I'm not boring her too much! lol.

Saturday night was great. Rockapella was at Hofstra and we got Jerry to get up on stage and sing with the boyz. Jerry offered $200 to hear "Let's Get Away From It All". Then Donna shouted "I'll double it if you let him get up on stage and sing it with you." They said all right and up he went. He was sooo good. I think the boyz were amazed as well at how good he was. When Elliott realized Jerry could sing, he backed out and let Jerry sing lead with Pella backing HIM up. Yay for Jerry.

I actually got stuff signed for me and pics with some of the guys at the m&g. I haven't done that in a long time. Only other pics I have with them are from 1993! I spoke with Barry and Scott for the first time. It was easy talking to Scott. But I was very intimidated talking to Barry. And he is so nice, but still... oh well.

Ugh. But I did look at pics of myself and I need to lose weight. I look terrible. Yikes. I just wish I could stick to it. I try and then I get lazy or don't care or whatever, but I end up not losing weight.

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