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2002-08-08 @ 9:54 a.m.


Today is Eddie's 40th birthday and he is not handeling it very well. He is so depressed....He called me last night and was all "I'm so blue". I told him to cheer up ... he's going to Vegas with all his buddies this weekend to celebrate. And if things aren't how you imagined them, then do something about it. HE can make a lot of changes in his life, he just doesn't because he's too darned scared to change and is soooo friggin settled into his "routine" and how his life is. Yet, he'll complain about it. UGH.

He's a good guy, that scared of EVERYTHING. Oh well. He'll get over it. I got over turning 30. He didn't understand that 30 for a girl is 40 for guy...same feelings and thoughts about where you are in life, etc. He'll be fine as soon as he gets on the plane with his friends and they are off and drinking and gambling and going to strip clubs.

He says he's upset because he is not where he thought he would be and things are not how he thought they would be by the time he turned 40. I told him that I don't know one person who would say that they are living the life they thought they would have by the time they turned a certain age, and if he asked any of his friends, they would same the same thing. I just went thru this with my friend Rachelle who just turned 30. She was all depressed for like a week before. She thought she'd be married and settled in career living in a nice house, etc. She's single, no boyfriend or even a prospect of a boyfriend, living in her parents home and just STARTING to figure out what she is doing job wise. I told her at least she's better off than least she knows what she wants to do as a job! LOL I STILL don't know what I want to do!


oh, I kill me!

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