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2002-08-07 @ 1:11 p.m.


Oops! I double booked myself on Saturday August 17th...hee hee. I totally forgot about Rachelle's Pool Party and bought a ticket to go see Rockapella in Staten Island. Yikes. Well, I'll just have to go after the show to her party...I should get there prob by like 11-12midnight. Not SO bad, but she is gonna be Especially since Donna and Jerry won't be there either b/c they have a wedding. Hey, not my fault. She originally planned it for the 10th then changed it to the 17th, so it didn't stick in my mind (the new date that is)....*that sounds good right? believable....hee hee*

Oh well. You'd think I could keep better track consider I have a paper organizer AND a palm pilot...go me

OOO, but I do get my hair done that afternoon! yayayaya

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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