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2002-11-18 @ 10:16 p.m.

Go NY!

I have absolutely nothing to say.

I went to the gym today...1st time since tuesday - 6 days, dman.

Just watched the movie CASTAWAY for the millionth time. Great movie.

Um...this weekend....Friday went to Stingers, what a surprise. Saturday in the pouring rain I dragged my a** into the city to meet up with Marilyn, Rachelle, Erika, Carl and Paula and we had dinner at Ollie's Noodle house and then saw Star Wars Episode II at the IMAX. Very cool. I had a great time despite the fact that it was cold, wet and friggin expensive. But, I saw friends I hadn't seen in months, so you really can't put a price on that, right? hee hee.

Sunday, went to Stingers again (surprise again - hey, it's Football season what do you expect). 2 weekends in a row where the Islanders, Giants and Jets all won (and in that order as well). Go NY! Go NY! Go!

And that's about it

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