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2002-11-22 @ 10:54 p.m.

Children of Eden

So go me. Went to the gym mon, tues and thrus. Then Thurs night went to my tap and ballet classes. Eileen (my teacher and friend) worked our legs really hard. Today, pain. No gym for me. Oh well. At least I went 3 times this week.

OH. And Wed I went to lunch with my friend Rich. He couldn't believe that I wasn't cast in Children of Eden...why they would not cast me when there are roles still not cast. So he went to the SM and dir and asked. And they said that I was called "numerous" times, but I never returned the calls, so they assumed I didn't want the role. I never received any calls at all. And believe me, I would have got the message. And they should know that I am not the type of person that would just not call back. They didn't even try any of my contact info, just my home phone. Anyway, so the SM leaves a message on my cell phone today saying that she told the dir that I am still interested and that he will get back to me. So I called the dir and had some words with him. He basically was stumbling for words and apologized to me and that the SM will call me with rehearsal info. So, Im one of the noah's daughter-in-laws in Children of Eden.

Otherwise, that's about it.

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