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2002-12-09 @ 11:49 a.m.

busy busy busy

Saturday Rich and I go to see YPT (young peoples theatre) production of "Parade" at CAP. Meagan Yaleny ROCKED as the lead - I can't wait for her to grow into her voice. Wow. Well, of course being a CAP production it did not start on time. Was supposed to start at 4pm, didn't start till around 4:40. They did a great job with such a dark and hard show. Kudos to those kids. Unfortunately, right after curtain calls Rich and I had to book out of there to catch Annie at Bayway which for some STUPID reason they started at 7pm instead of the normal 8pm. So we didn't get to see anyone after the show to talk to them, but I'll see Meagen at COE rehearsal on Tuesday, so I'll tell her then. Anyhoo, we get out of Parade at 6:50. We FLY to Bayway and get there at 7:20 (we missed the first 3 orphan #'s and most of the first time they sing Tomorrow). Doesn't matter b/c I only came to see Donna and Jerry and they hadn't been on yet! hee hee. Jerry amazed me. I didn't think he had Daddy Warbucks in him, no offence Jerry, but WOW, he was so good. Standing O for Jerry as Warbucks. He's a star. LOL. Donna taped her little heart out and I was so impressed with her dancing. She was just as good if not better than most of the people up there. Yay Donna. Otherwise, the show was, well, Annie. I'm not a big fan of the show. Alot of Tap #'s, so that made it a little different, great set. Otherwise no one really stood out to me as being so incredible. (oo, this turned into a review column now!)

I am almost done with my Holiday shopping/making. I have bought all my presents except for Eddie's. And I know what I am getting him, just have to go do it. Just have to make some candy/cookies and wrap. Cards went out Saturday. woo hoo.

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