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2003-01-02 @ 8:58 p.m.


PAIN! That is what I am feeling PAIN!

So my lower back started hurting a little last week. Didn't think much about it then. Thought maybe I just pulled it or something. It came in waves every once and a while. Then on New Years Eve I was thinking that I should go see my doc about it b/c it wasn't getting any better. Then today, around 4:30 I stood up and all of a sudden WHAM! intense pain. I actually couldn't walk for a few minutes. The pain is concentrated mainly in my lower back, waist level, right in the center on my spine. So, I drove right to the doctor b/c I know Thursday is their late night. I didn't have an appointment and I begged to be seen. Dr. Mandel wasn't there, but the physicians assistant was there and she saw me. Did a urine test to see if it could be kidney stones. And I'm going to see an orthopedic for xrays, hopefully monday. In the meantime she gave me Celebrex for an anti-inflamitory and Ultracet as a pain killer. Lord I hope they work. I am going into the city tomorrow night to see my friend Rob Jones in "The Prince and The Pauper" off broadway, and then to see "Dance of The Vampires" Saturday. *please let the painkillers work, please let the painkillers work, please let the painkillers work*

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