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2003-01-07 @ 10:20 a.m.

Herniated Disc

So, I went to the orthopedic yesterday. Got there at 300 for a 330 appointment. Got called in at 445. Had some xrays and then waited again for the doc for about another 20 min. Looks like I have a herniated disc. I have to go for physcial therapy 3x a week (haha - lets see how I fit THAT one in) and for a MRI on Sunday at *gasp* 815 am (yes, they are open on Sunday). Doc told me to keep taking my meds and just make sure I eat before I take them so I don't get sick again. If I still don't feel well, then we'll find something less strong. But the meds worked on my back, just made me feel sick instead. ugh.

So, this morning I had a bagel with cream cheese, 16oz of milk and now i'm drinking a small tea and took one clebrex and one ultracet. Hope it works b/c I am very uncomfortable and want to go home and crawl into my bed, but can't b/c I have to be here at work. This sucks.

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