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2003-01-06 @ 1:08 p.m.

I take it back - drugs are bad

Oh Lord - not good a weekend, physically that is. So Friday afternoon I was all happy about the drugs working. They did work for my back. But I have been nauseous allllll weekend. Friday morning took the celebrex and ultracet without food. First mistake. (see Friday's entry). Friday I go to lunch have a small salad and piece of bread an a painkiller for lunch. Go into the city with Donna and Jerry and get some soup. I am now completely nauseous and stop eating before I give it back unwanted. We walk to the theatre, feeling a little better in the cool air. We see Jonesey in �Prince and The Pauper�. He was amazing. He was like most of the show! It was so cool. Yay for him. However, I had to get up once in the middle and run to the potty b/c I thought I was gonna lose it. Didn�t. Went back to rest of show. After the show the people we are with want to go eat. It�s me, Donna, Jerry, out director Bruce, his wife, and 2 guys from Creative Ministries and Jonesey. We go to Carmines. Now this is how sick I am� what I eat at Carmines, one of the greatest Italian Restaurants in NYC??? ONE piece of bread and a glass of gingerale. I ran to the potty 3 times there afraid I was gonna lose it. Bruce gives us a ride home. I go to D&J�s and pass out for the night. The next morning my butt threw up about 2 times (yes, in the bathroom, not the bed or anywhere else�lol). Went to rehearsal still not feeling well. D&J bought me camomille tea b/c they rule and are the best. Felt a little better. Went home, napped and met Rachelle in the city. We have dinner, which I make it thru okay and then off to see �Dance Of The Vampires� (I�ll get to that in a minute). My stomach started getting a little unruly again during the 2nd act, but I was still Okay. Then Rachelle drove us home. OH LORD. I love Rachelle, but her driving made me nauseous all over again! She was all over the place. I was never so happy to come home and just go to bed. Sunday I was better, still afraid to eat or take my meds and still not feeling well. Stomach still doing odd and crazy things and ass still throwing up. I think I may have a stomach virus on top of my back and med problem. Today I get xrays (exrays for Jenn). Hopefully all I did was pull a muscle and I�ll go get a massage!

Okay, Dance of The Vampires. How do I explain this. It is simply just pure entertainment. It is the cheesiest of cheesy musicals ever written. One liners that make you cry �ouch�. Stolen ideas that make you cringe. Yet one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. To me, it seemed like a giant spoof on every Vampire song, movie, play, book ever written and produced put to music and some kick ass choreography. All the leads had AMAZING voices. Wow. I was blown away by the vocal talent. A lot of over acting � but I think that was the direction and part of the overall effect of the show. The dancers were outrageous. If I could only do � of what they did. DMAN. Technically�two words�holy crap. It was a BIG HUGE technical show. That alone was worth the price of admission. It should be called the Dance Of The Vampires Spectacular. And I gotta say, LOVED the ending (not to give anything away, but anyone who knows me knows I�m not one for your typically Hollywood ending, and this is not your typical Hollywood ending).

And that folks, is all I have to say right now

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