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2003-01-15 @ 11:15 a.m.

Fat girls in Overalls ?????!!!!!

Okay. Rehearsals for Eden are going along. Hopefully we'll run the whole show tonight - which we haven't done yet and we open Saturday. And 'Generations' isn't blocked yet and we open Saturday. BG is waiting for these big puppets that he wants to see if they work or not...HELLO?? shouldn't they have been done already to see if they work? Just my opinion.

My back is *knock on wood and bite my tongue* starting to feel better.

Wow, I really have nothing to write about...hmmm....

OH! Fat girls in overalls...BAD....VERY BAD. I have to overalls in Act I of CofE - wow. Picture this - you take a giant beer keg and wrap it in denim and that is what I look like it. It is hideous. One good thing is we wear LONG sleeve T-shirts under them (as opposed to short sleeve - so my arms get covered) and I found some nice ones at Lane Bryant - 2 for $29. Not too shabby. I got a wine color and a purple/lavendar color. That's about as bright in color as I go. LOL. The other colors were too light for me. They were more like pastels and I do not do pastels.

Jeff emailed me back about coming to CofE...too funny.

what else.....

Haven't gone to the gym since before Christmas (and I wonder why I'm fat fat fat). I will get back on track next week after tech week is over and I get back on a fairly "normal" schedule again.

Had to get new front brakes on my car already - the commute to work and back is killing me and my car - hopefully by the end of this year that will be rectified.

I'm horny.

I'm tired.

I don't have another day off of work until 2/19 when I have the afternoon off - but that is for a matinee of CofE so that still sucks. BUT my boss' won't be here 2/13-2/20 b/c they are going to Disney - so that is like a vacation only you have to get up early still - hehe

um....okay that's it - if I think of more I'll just make another entry


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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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