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2003-01-27 @ 9:42 p.m.

the weekend

Okay, time to play catchup....

Lets see...Friday I had like no voice but I was singing okay that night although I felt like I was really pushing. We went to TGIF's afterwards and by the time I got home, and chatted online for while and read part of my Harry Potter Unofficial companion book it was 4am before I turned out the light and went to sleep. My parents voice woke me up at like 9am, but I refused to open my eyes. I fell back asleep and didn't wake up again 1:30. At 1:50 I finally got out of bed and got dressed and went downstairs and ate.

Watched some TV then got ready for the show that night. However, being the dumbass that I am, for some stupid reason thought it was an 8:30 curtain. I was running a little late, but I would have only been there 15 min late, and my hair was done already. As I was leaving my house I realized that it was an 8pm not an 8:30 curtain and it was now 7:15 and it is about a 30 min ride to the theatre. Panic struck. However, I was in luck b/c CAP shows NEVER start on time and I had enough time (b/c my hair was done and could apply some makeup in the car) to get to the theatre, go to the potty, get in costume, put on my mic and even put on all my makeup. Go me. I sang much better on sat night. I even flipped into my mix/head when I was supposed to on the line that is too high for me instead of trying to belt it (b/c it never comes out good in the belt).

Sunday I was on time for the show (whew) and we went to Rich's after to watch the superbowl. There was a ton of food there, but surprisingly I didn't eat nearly as much as I wanted to. I had a good size plate of ziti,but before i could take a bite, it fell on the floor and I just never got another plate. hehehe. Got home late again. ugh.

Today I went to physical therapy for the first time. Young doc. Kinda cute. No wedding ring. Too short though (lol). But I had like NO pain when I left the therapists office - and I've been in constant pain since Christmas Eve. However, it hurts again, but not as much as before, so that's a good sign.

A week with no rehearsals, no nothing except for work and physical therapy (which Im home by 7pm). How nice is that!

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
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The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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