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2003-01-29 @ 11:33 p.m.

more on my back

Went to PT again tonight and man did it hurt. I had to lay on my stomach on the table and my therapist got up on a stool so he could stand over me and he took all his weight and pressed down onto my spine at the hurt spot! OUCH! So then he asked "does it hurt", and I say "yeah, it hurts!" But it was only the pressure of him that hurt, not my back b/c it didn't hurt as he released. He cracked my back by accident while he was down there. He said I'd be sore for a while, he wasn't kidding! This sucks.

I have to remember to not slouch so much, we I do ALL the time at the computer. And I need to remember to do my exercises every 2 hours or I'm not going to get better.

Wow. I wish I had something else or something more exciting to write about. But I don't.

Oh, Eddie told me that they hired an acapella group for their bowling dinner. He doesn't remember the name, but he'll let me know tomorrow. The current pres of the league is a Rockapella fan as well and loves the group he hired...I can't for Eddie to find out tomorrow night the name of the group they hired.

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