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2003-01-30 @ 11:09 a.m.

Andy and me

So I had a sort-of pella related dream last night. I was in a play that Gene F wrote and was directing and we were performing in a theatre in NYC. It was about this overweight English girl who is a maid for a very rich American family. Her mother and her mothers mother worked for the same family for years. My dad died when I was 5 and my mom died when I was 15. B/c my family was with them for so long and I had grown up with the family, they took me on early as a maid in their household. Anyway, they had a son a few years older than me that secretly was in love with me, played by Andy T (yes, Jeff's brother) and we had a sex scene. Being the stage and not the movies it wasn't much (just a lot of kissing and getting into bed together and lights out. Lights up, next morning). Kelly, Andy's wife was at every show and and we became really good friends. Jeff came like 3 times to the show and couldn't stop talking about how great it was and how great Andy and I both were. That's all I remember.
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