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2003-02-10 @ 10:55 p.m.

I'm a sap

Watched Joe Millionaire and they didn't tell us who won. I could have been sleeping for that dumbass boring episode. Didn't anyone really give too hoots about that episode, really??? ugh.

Watched the end of "The Other Sister" and literally bawled my eyes out. I could hardly see for a few minutes there.

I'm such a sap.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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