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2003-02-11 @ 8:57 p.m.

ear infection

No sleep last night b/c my ear decided it was going to have an ear infection. At least that's what I think it is. My right ear cannal is totally swollen and every sound sounds like I'm in a tunnel. And my right nostral, same problem. I'm going to my doc on Thurs night (its the only late night she's open, and I can't believe I actually got an appt). I can't take the pressure in my ear and I gotta deal with it for like 2 more days! And when I chew I hear it so friggin loud in my head. AAARRRRRRRGGGGG. I just hope she can give me something so that I can hear on Friday night. Hopefully my voice will be back by then as well. It's MUCH better, but only like 1/2 way back. Ugh. This sucks.

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Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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