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2003-03-07 @ 11:30 p.m.

Being a grown up sucks

Holy applesause, it's about time I can update. Every time I try to go on here and make an entry I'm shunned for not being a gold memeber. Oh well.

Lets see, I got a raise. I went in and asked for a lot...12.2% I knew deep down it wasn't going to happen, but I was hoping he'd meet me 1/2 way. But no, I got 4.2%. And I guess I can't complain in this economy. No one is really getting more than like 3-4%, so it doesn't suck. But I make shit to start off with so. Whatever. I have to find a way to be able to move. I really want to. I really HAVE to. And I know that Rich and I will get along really well. I'm currently looking for some sort of a p/t job that I can "maybe" do at home or not interfere with weekends...something. I need to make like $100-$200 a week. Not much. There's just not alot out there. I've just wanted to cry since I found out on Wednesday. I'm absolutely miserable and stressing more than I ever thought I could about something. This whole fucking money situation is driving me insane. It's not like I want to move into a big fat fancy house and have everything handed to me on a silver platter. I just want to be on my own out of my parents house. I don't think that is too much to want in life. I just don't know. All I do know is that this whole thing is killing me.

I've made some steps to get myself more financially set. I opened a 2nd savings account with no ATM card and I'm direct depositing some $$ from my pay each week into it.

I'm also looking into a personal loan to pay off my credit card (which I am a BIG ASS about building up again after my dad helped me out the first time) and to pay my dad off (from bailing me out the first time) therefore leaving me with one smaller payment and a set time frame to pay it off with.

Ugh. Being a grown up sucks.

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