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2003-03-11 @ 9:35 a.m.

good times good times

I hate that I can't update at night b/c I'm not a "gold member". OH well.

Anyhoo - Friday night I went to Stingers which I haven't been to in like 3 months. It was fun. Had a great time until the people that I don't really care too much for showed up. Eddie likes them all. I think they are, for the most part, phoney shits, but hey, whatcha gonna do. We leave soon after they get there, so it's not that big a deal. T started to talk to C about going to Key West in April if we go. I was like WTF?!? Why is he telling her. That's b/c T is a great guy and doesn't always think and just wants everyone to be included. I told T after C walked away that no offense to C, I like her and all to hang out with in the bar, but I am not going to Key West if she goes. She is not one with whom I would like to go on vacation with. Eddie wasn't too excited about it either when we discussed it on the phone last night. He doesn't want her to go either, which made me happy. She is just too friggin high maintenance and I cannot deal with that when I am going and spending a lot of money and want to just relax.

Saturday got up early (yes folks, 10am on a Saturday is early for me) and drove to Jenn's house. Can we say holy friggin traffic on the Belt Pkwy. Dman. That was some craaazzzy shit! Anyhoos, met up with Jenn and Stef and drove down to Camden, NJ while jamming to Debbie Gibson's Greatest Hits to go to the NJ Aquarium and then see Ball In The House. The Aquarium was fun. I love aquariums. I (we all) got to pet a shark and Jenn flirted with a toucan. Then we walked along the riverside and looked over the water towards Philadelphia. It was a really nice time. Then woke G up (hehe) while we chilled in the parking lot for a few minutes. We went into the arena called Tweeter, which by the way I love the name of (hehe), got our tickets, saw and hugged Ariana and Laura, chilled for a bit and took our seats. The concert, well, kinda sucked. They didn't seem like a "group" to me. There was a def lack of chemistry among the members. They were off key a lot (not so much when they were on lead, but the backup vocals and ensemble singing - some of it was ouch!) and basically kinda boring. Definately lacking that something special. In my personal opinion I think Dave was the most talented up there. He was the all around performer up there. I just want Mike to put on shoes and learn some diction - he's got that dreaded Scott Leonard non-diction disease. Good thing I knew the song he sang lead on otherwise who knows what the heck he sang. Aaron, well, he is def interesting to watch and had great presence on stage, but had a tendancy to think he was an R&B performer, and, well, he wasn't. The VP guy was very good and his long ass solo was amazing for just being him and a mic, no other ways of picking up sounds. The other guy I really liked was Stephen I think his name was?? He had the best voice up there hands down. I really enjoyed his sound - he def needs to be spotlighted more. And the other guy, I think Tom. He just sucked. No offense Tom, or anyone who likes him. I'm sure he's a really nice guy, but was terrible on Sat night. Sorry. I got to meet Dave and Aaron afterwards, both very very nice boys. And Dave is a Q-T! hehe.

Afterwards Jenn, Stef and I went to Bennigans and to drop off Stef at a train that apparently did not exist, so she stayed the night and joined us for a movie the next day. We saw "Old School". Had some very funny lines and I laughed out loud a few times. Good movie when you don't have to think too hard on a sunday afternoon. We dropped Stef off at the train, which was actually there this time. Jenn and I ate again (at Pizzeria Uno) then we went to her condo for a few minutes and I went home just in time to see Six Feet Under. Good show. Good weekend. Good friends. yay.

Oh wait. Yesterday was my last day of physical therapy. woo hoo. I graduated and got a mug and Tshirt from the PT office. hehe

I did my taxes and I'm getting $$ back.

And Rich and I talked and he said he'd pay more of the rent as long as he got the bigger bdrm and the garage. I said fine by me! So my move might really be happening after all. I'm scared but soooooo excited. yayaayayaya

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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