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2003-04-06 @ 11:13 p.m.


Saw Godspell on Friday night - it was good. Some of the gags were hysterical, some I think the cast thought were gonna be funnier - but isn't that how it usually goes. Donna KILLED me by using a personal joke of ours in the show. I was crying so hard from laughing I kinda missed what happened immediately afterwards. LOL. She was the best female on that stage (and I am not being biased b/c if I didn't think it I would write it). Not that the others sucked, but Donna hyped them up so much I guess that they didn't live up to what I expected by then - but I enjoyed the show all the same.

Saturday I saw Snow White Goes West at CAP - so funny. There was one joke where Snow White asks the dwarves "so you are all miners" - and Bruce's character takes it as "minors" and says "no, we'll all legal except for (Matt Rubin's character)" and then Matt and Bruce both pass a quick glance at me...LOL. Too funny.

Sat night had a good italian dinner in the city with the family for my bro's 30th bday. Then I came home and watched Sweet Home Alabama and some period thing on PBS.

Today I saw Annie Get Your Gun at CAP - the show is a cute little campy show. Some funny lines. Too many slow songs, but fun. People tried to get me to stay for the Grease callbacks that they were having right afterwards, but I had plans to meet Paula and go see a movie - Colin Firth *sigh* in What A Girl Wants. I love him. I want one.

Best part of the weekend - all 3 shows and the movie were FREEEEEEEEEE.

I love Free

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