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2003-04-04 @ 2:52 p.m.

I'm a fag hag

So we all know I'm a fag-hag. My friend emailed me this "gay to english" translation - here are a few that I found particularly entertaining that are true in any "language":

Bisexual -- gay

Drama - an imaginary condition made up by sad, lonely individuals with

no real problems in their life who feel the need to drag stabile well-balanced individuals who are trying to make a valuable contribution to society down to their level in hopes of making themselves feel better.

Ex -- 1) anyone you've slept with more than once. 2) a club drug popular in the late 90's.

Gaylights - an unnatural highlighting of the hair that no straight man would be caught dead with.

Gurl - the first word of every sentence. "Gurl, you 'bout ready to

go?" "Gurl, I haven't had sex in 3 days!"

Hayyy -- a greeting. The gayer you are, the more Y's you put at the


Stress -- an non-imaginary condition brought on by the drama of others.

Troll - anyone older than you that wants you to go home with them.

Trick -- see Trade

Twink -- anyone younger than you that won't go home with you.

Twelve - how old you are if you're not 21.

Universe -- the area of space contained within a 3 foot diameter of every gay man.

Whore - anyone who has more sex than you.

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