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2003-04-27 @ 1:20 a.m.

catching up

Hmm, Jenn wants an update so here we go:

Last night didn't want to go out. Was gonna just go home and rent a movie and chill by myself. Donna called me as I was 1/2 way home and talked me into joining her and Jerry in seeing the TFT (theatre for teens) broadway stoppers musical review thing. I enjoyed most of the kids and I heard 2 new songs that I really like that I need to find the sheet music for. Then we went with 2 other friends to Applebees where the 4 of them talked about the last production of "annie" that the 4 of them were involved in and that I tried for out for but didn't get cast. They talked about it for like 20 minutes while I just sat there. Fun for me let me tell you. It was just not the funnest night for me overall last night...(sorry Donna cause I know you'll read this)...but I felt very left out and doubted last night. But whatever, it's over. And thats all I have to say about that.

Yay for Carmen getting kicked off of American Idol.

Yay for Alex getting kicked off Survivor.

What ever happened to the show "The Family"??? It was on for like 3 episodes, and then *poof* gone.

I heart Randal.

Little Mermaid was okay. I was mic'ed today so my song was soooooooooo much better b/c now Jean could here me and actually play with/follow me on the song. What a releif. The show's production value is just so poor. It's a shame b/c I really love this show and the cast really works hard. It's such a great ego boost going out to greet the kids after the show (while still in costume). The kids love you to death. Some are scared to death of me and won't come near me. Some run up and hug me or wanna shake my hand. One little boy was a little scared, but kept coming near me, so I let him touch one of my "tenticles" and he was soo excited. It was just he cutest friggin thing. And it doesn't hurt to have all the parents telling me how great I was and how much they enjoyed me. One mom today remembered me from Children of Eden and told me how much she enjoys my performance. That was really nice and made me feel better. ")

I tried to come home and eat lunch and take a nap...but I only got like 30 min b/c my bro came in from the city and the fam was going to dinner together. We haven't done that in loong time. It was really nice and I'm glad I got up for it, but I tell you, if I stayed there, I prob could have slept thru the night.

I rented Drumline and 40 days and 40 nights. I watched Drumline, which was okay. Thought it would better. I was very much annoyed by the lead's immature assinine attitude, and I don't get the impression that he "changed" so much. Nice message to send. LOL. Didn't get to 40 days and 40 nights yet, but I'll prob get that tomorrow.

Another LM tomorrow at 12:30. Then I think I'm gonna hand around and see South Pacific.

Rainy days suck.

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