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2003-05-22 @ 9:38 a.m.

sick again??!?!?

I can't believe I'm sick again. Ugh. What a terrible year 2003 has been so far for me sick-wise. Sunday night, the LIRR was FREEEEEEZING coming home. Monday I felt a little blah and my throat was a little sore. Tuesday about the same. Wednesday I got up and I could hardly swallow my throat hurt so much. I get up and go do the morning bathroom rituals and as I am brushing my teeth I nearly topple into the sink b/c my head is so heavy and the pressure in my ears is painful. So, I call my boss and go back to bed - till 4pm! Now, I'm a late sleeper, but NEVER this late. Dman. So I get up, feel a little better. I take a shower which helps a bit, but at least I can swallow and the headache is gone. Today I feel a little better. I'm at work but I feel like I should have stayed home. Can someone please stop the insanity of me being sick all the time this year! It's starting to get annoying.

Ruben won American Idol. Okay. I could have gone either way, although I did think Clay was the better performer and outsang Ruben the past few weeks. But, they are going to have cd's released on the same day - should make for some pretty interesting competition on the charts down the line. Only 1300 votes separated them so it'll be fun to watch in the future. Last years winner was on and she SUCKED. Oh my what an embarrassement. Firt off, that outfit she was was NOT attractive or flaterring on her in any way. Her ass looked to big, her gut looked too big and when she faced forward with the light behind her - hello thighs! Now, don't get me wrong - I would kill for her body, but flaunt what you should flaunt and hide the rest. And her hair, it was a mess. Nice pony piece she had on, but whoever put it on didn't bother fixing the rest of her hair so it wouldn't be falling out. She is cute as a button - she needs a new stylist to help her look as good as she can!

I hate that I have a crush on a married man. Soooooooooo not good and against my morals (yes, I do have some for those of you who are laughing right now!).

That's it for now, I'm sure I'll write more later....

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