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2003-05-23 @ 10:39 a.m.

California girl???

It's Friday! And it's a 3 day weekend. Woooo hoooooo! Wow, if this is what gets me so excited, it's def time for a change up.

Thoughts of moving out to CA once again float around in my mind. Not that I think I could leave NY - MOST of my friends and family are here and CA is so far away. Florida isn't too far and I have family and some friends there...hmmmm. Who am I kidding. I'm staying here. I need to be more talented so I can get cast in a tour and just leave for a few months. That would make me happy. Financially, it would suck, but at least I would doing something different.

I found a company in NYC that hires out personal assistants. Think I'll do some investigating...that's something different. I would kick ass at that job. Gonna spend some time this weekend looking over the internet for some places to send my resume out to. So risky, so I'm taking it slow, but hopefully something will happen. There are TONS of Admin and other jobs I could do in the studios out in CA. Even for just a year...I know, I know.

I just don't see me as a California girl. My mentality is way too NY. And there is a big difference. But I def am going to visit Ang in the fall - maybe Labor Day weekend - I know it cost $ to fly, but one less day I need to take off of work, and with all my sicknesses of late - I'm running out of days and it's only the end of May.

By the way, did you all know I have a money tree in my back yard??? HAHAHA.

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