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2003-06-20 @ 10:41 a.m.

seizures are scary

Yesterday around 4:30-ish, one of the guys across the hall had a seizure in the office. Our doors are directly opp each other and are both always open. So I�m sitting at my desk and I hear the sec there yell at one of the salesguys �Roger!�. I thought she was just flirting with him (like she does with every guy in that office). Then I hear a loud THUMP and she screams his name and then her bosses name and yells for her boss to come up to the front office. Her face is WHITE. I thought that maybe a file cabinet fell over on him or something. But then we find out he is having a seizure- and it lasted for like a minute. They say he turned completely blue. She freaked out and ran to the back office and stayed there. My boss ran across the street to the fire dept to get help as one of the guys across the hall called 911. He started to breathe again on his own and was moving around a bit as the ambulance got there. Just found out that he was kept overnight b/c he bit his tongue really hard and needs stitches. I guess he has a problem with seizures and hadn�t taken his meds in a few days or so, and then on top of that had a few drinks Tuesday night (which you are not supposed to do if prone to seizures). Hope he learned his lesson.

I think I�m going to go see Batboy at CAP tonight. Although I have no one to go with, I can go alone. Won�t be the first time nor the last.

Anyone wanna go with me???

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