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2003-07-02 @ 11:14 a.m.

what am I, made of money???

I had an almost perfect day of beauty yesterday. Only 2 things made it less than perfect � my excursions were broken up by having to be at work (ggrrrrr) and my day did not include a massage.

I went at lunch and got my legs and underarms waxed � woo hoo for no shaving for at least 2-3 weeks!!

Then after work I went and got a manicure and pedicure. The woman who did my pedicure really got into the leg massage part which rocked! I was going to ask for the 10 min chair massage, but they were sooo busy so I opted not to make them want to say no to me. I love a French manicure on my toes�yay!

Then last night I deep conditioned my hair and used my expensive shampoo for color treated hair.

Today I am wearing one of my new shirts that I really enjoy. It�s kinda like a Tee, but its got a half collar and low V neck line. It�s hard to describe � but I got one in black (duh) and navy blue � and on sale � which makes me like them even more. I got it like 3 weeks ago, but I�m just wearing it for the first time today, and I think it�s a 2 thumbs up shirt.

Today I came in at 8:00 (so that mean I had to get up at 6:30am to shower which sucked b/c I only went to bed at like 1:30 b/c I was up packing for Maine) so that I can leave at 4:00 to catch a 4:56 train to Penn and be at BBKings by 6:00 when they doors supposedly open.

Wow, you would think I was made of money from what I just posted. Actually, I had my Christmas bonus from work that I had never touched. So I put money aside for Maine, bought the cutest little digital camera (about a month ago) and had a day of beauty yesterday. Now, the bonus $ is gone. It was fun while it lasted though � and even more fun spending it!!

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