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2003-07-03 @ 11:02 a.m.

Rockapella - BB Kings

I forget how much I miss Rockapella until I haven�t seen them perform for 6months. Last night started off a little messed up. I get to BBKings and Jenn is on line, but no Amy and Stef. The door is barricaded off, so I go to one of the security guys and ask if I can see if a ticket was left for me (Amy had mine and paula�s tickets and were going to leave them at the box office). He said I had to wait in line and ask when I got in. Okay. Still no Amy and Stef. They don�t answer their cell phones and I leave a mean message for Amy thinking they are not there yet (sorry Amy). Finally they let us in and I tell the guy that my friend was supposed to drop off my ticket, did anyone drop them off to him. His answer is �No. Unless they are from the will call, he doesn�t have them�. Okay. So I go wait outside for Amy. Jenn goes in to try and save a table. I meet Paula and Brigid outside. Paula goes to go in try and find a table while Brigid and I continue to wait for Amy. Finally Amy comes upstairs and tells Paula (who is inside, Brigid and I are still outside) that the tickets are at the front desk. Paula sends her out to us. The woman at the front desk says the tix are downstairs at the box office. The bo person says they are with the man at the door. The man at the door says no one dropped off tickets. So Amy tells him about the woman upstairs, blah blah blah. He takes my name and lo and behold there they are. So I get mine. Paula enters first and says that our party is already inside. They tell her she has to wait by the bar for her party. Heh?? Didn�t she just say they were inside? So I enter and I say we are a party of 4 but one of us in inside already. He says are you all here. I say yes and I point to Paula who just through the door, Brigid who is behind me and then I repeat that our 4th is already sitting. So he tells me I have to wait at the bar for my party. WTF?? Hello? Did you hear me? So then he lets like 4 people cut of Brigid. Paula and I yell at Brigid to just push her way up. Meanwhile I am blatantly obnoxious and complain about how rude these people are. Finally Brigid walks in and the man asks �is your party all here�. Paula is like � FINE, we are a party of three. And tells the hostess that we are a party of 3. Now this bitch rolls her eyes at her co-workers thinking she has gotten the rude party. Hahaha. Dumb bitchardo. I tell her I�m not going to be mean to her, she didn�t do anything. Jenn has got a table for us and we finally sit. The waitress takes our order for drinks, brings them to us and says she�ll be right back to take our order. About 12 hours later she comes back and takes our order (2 salads, a burger and sammich). About 24 hours later we finally get our food. And then finally, ahhhh, Pella begins. The usual suspects for songs � time for a change up guys!!! Although they did do DTMYD as an encore. It was beautiful (well, except for one sour note�lol). George has a new song �Papa Was A Rolling Stone� which is just, well, sex. I needed a ciggi afterwards. Kevin was very punchy. Scott was his normal rambunctious self. He did enjoy checking out the imagines that were being played on the 2 large screen tv�s on either side of the stage. Special effects and stuff. Interesting. Jeff seemed a little quiet. Maybe b/c his mom, dad, bro and sil were there haha. We saw the newest addition to the Kerman family � so cute and round and mushy�and good. Sean opened for them and then joined them for a few songs at the end. After, we moved to a booth to sit down and wait for the M&G. But before we knew it, a line had formed by our table and we were literally blocked into our seats. So when the end finally caught up to us (like 12 thousand hours later � even Jeff commented to me on how long the m&g was taking) we jumped on the end of the line. The house manager looked right at me and my group and complained to another co-worker that now we were getting on line twice. I looked right at him, stuck my finger up in the air and was like �this is my FIRST time, sorry� as, I think it was Paula, was basically saying the same thing. Like I said, just rude friggin people work there. Ugh.

Meet and Greet

Scott comes over and hugs us all (weird #1) and chats for a few before he was like � I have to get out here. George ignored me as usual. The man won�t even look at me. Very strange. Kevin gives me a HUGE long hard hug (weird #2), which I must admit was very nice. We chatted about the Les Mis cast party and how he got fashnookered. Hehe. Then somehow I literally got stuck in between Kevin and Jeff and had no where to go. I was now part of pella standing in their line. Jeff looked at me, saw the look of confusion on my face and put his arm around me and pulled me in (weird #3) and was like �how ARE you?� and was asking me how life was and making conversation with me (weird #4). Then Jenn comes over and he�s like, hey, I have another arm and put it around her and pulls her over and the 3 of stand there and chat for a while and he tells us he is so tired and literally drops all his weight upon us. Paula comes over and says, we are leaving. So we say goodbye to Jeff and leave. On our way out we pass Steve and Stef chatting. I say to Stef see you Friday. Steve asks whats Friday? I say we are all meeting at a hotel in Maine on Friday? He plays dumb and says What�s happening in Maine? I say WE are what�s happening in Maine. He gets all intrigued. Haha. It was fun. He then asks Stef what all our names are. He seemed particularly interested in Brigid. Bed around 1am. Soo tired. Have to work and then drive to Maine tonight. But, it will be worth it when I can sleep tomorrow morning! YAY for sleep. YAY for Pella. YAY for friends.

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