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2003-07-22 @ 11:21 a.m.

weird dream(s)

Entry #2 today:

So I don�t remember a lot of my dream last night, but I know there were 3 separate �parts� that I recall things about:

First one was either Donna or Jenn (I can�t remember which one it was) and I were trying to get somewhere and we were on wave runners. We docked them at some waverunner place, that was basically a floating deck and some ropes, and Donna (or Jenn) had to swim off somewhere really fast and I was going to wait with the guy who ran the place till she came back. The water was a dark blue and little rough. As I was holding onto the deck a dead body floated up to the surface. It was a tall thin blonde woman with a yellow bikini on that matched her perfectly. No clue who the woman was. Her mouth was open. The guy and I swam off really quick to go tell someone.

Another one I was in some auditorium and I was all the way in the 3rd to last row. Donna and Jerry were in the last row so I went up to join them. I think it was some kind of high school reunion. Scott Kolbrenner (yes Donna, you read that correctly) comes in and joins some friends in the front row. We had to sleep in those seats as well. The seats were tan.

The third one is kinda of like 2 in one. I was in a dressing room that was like a HUGE bathroom with stalls made out of shower curtains. The tile was light pink. The curtains were white and I was in a �room� with a shower head in it. I don�t know what I had to buy a dress for. But then I go into the parking lot to my HUGE mini van (which was either brown or green � don�t remember) and Randal Keith, who is inside snuggling with this girl Susan, who was my best friend in elementary and Jr High school who I haven�t seen since high school. Anyway, they are laying down in the back of the van (with the seats folded down and it is HUGE) and she is all trying to steal my man. And he is all snuggly with her as I get in the back. He has no shirt on. I get all pissed and get out. He follows me out and now he is in a navy blue suit with a gold tie and telling me it was nothing. They were just hanging out and that he loves me and he is trying to kiss me and hold me. Susan is standing there telling me how they are having an affair and he loves her not me. He�s telling me not to listen to her, that I know he is not the kind of man to cheat.

I am never having chocolate milk before I go to bed again!

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