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2003-08-01 @ 11:39 a.m.

Sometimes I�m such a dumbass

Snapple �Real Fact� #126: A pigeon�s feathers are heavier than its bones.

Good thing I don�t have pigeon feathers, imagine how much I�d weigh THEN!!

Speaking of being fat, my right ankle is KILLING ME. My own fault. I know I need to wrap my ankle�or at least esp during the 2nd hour, which is ballet, put a leg warmer on it to keep the muscle warm) and I didn�t do either. Well, last night in tap we were doing a lot of wings and maxi4 turns (which both involve jumping) and we did a lot of them. At once point I do 8 wings in a row in the dance. And that�s the new section of the dance, so that means we went over it at least 4-5 times. Now, a 750million lb girl like myself doing 8 wings in a row, esp 4-5 times, dangerous. Then in ballet we learned a new combination that a lot of hops on the right foot and glissades (pronounced glee-sod) which is basically a little mini like gliding leap landing on your right foot (when doing it to the right � lol). Anyhoo, last night when I got home I could hardly walk on my right foot at all. Now today, I can walk, but even when sitting, I can feel constant dull throbbing. FORGET about flexing my foot. Tried it. Won�t try it again today. LOL. Anyway, I will never forget to wrap my right foot again. I�ve learned my lesson the hard way. I was just so hot and the thought of putting a leg warmer on, ew. But I know better now and I will NEVER forget again. Sometimes I�m such a dumbass.

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