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2003-08-25 @ 12:36 a.m.

The 21st Century Doors

The Doors of the 21st Century rocked. Saw them tonight at Jones Beach. I hadn�t been to the beach for a concert since, I think the Boston/Styx concert a few years ago. We got there and met Marilyn at the Fuji booth and got our pic taken with her and hung out there for a while.

Then we went and spent $19.00 on 2 hotdogs and 2 Snapple Ice Teas. I got a pretzel that I shoved in my bag and went into the show. I never sat down in the orchestra before at Jones Beach so it was cool. We were Row M seats 20 and 21. We were the seats 3 & 4 from the right side aisle and b/c the seats are angled towards the stage we ended up being only like 4 rows from the edge of the stage. There was this pigeon who didn�t leave the stage the whole time. LOL.

The lights finally went off, Carmina Burana started and a huge pic of Jim Morrison came up. Then they broke into a bunch of Doors tunes. Then they announced the premiere of the LA Woman Album live. Then they came out a 2 song encored (one of them being Light My Fire � which is long enough to count for like 3 songs � hehe). Then they said goodnight and the lights all came on so we all started leaving. Eddie and I got 5 rows back and Ray Manzarek came out followed by the rest of them and was yelled �What the fuck is this?! Where are you all going? We�re not done yet�how about ONE MORE!� and they did �Peace Frog�. Just under 2 � hours of music. Ian Astbury (former singer of the Cult) does a great job. He grew his hair out and looks very similar to Jim and sounds pretty damn good. It was def worth the money. And it was a beautiful night to boot. (For those who don�t know, the theatre is an outdoor arena at Jones Beach on the Atlantic Ocean on Long Island). My feet hurt from standing/dancing the whole time. I think we sat for like maybe 5 songs the whole night.

Of course we did the typical thing you do on the way home from a Jones Beach concert � the WBAB after concert rock block. It didn�t take too long to get out of there so I was home by 11:45.

I did try to take some pics, but I was a little far away and the camera natzi was standing near me so I had to take some without a flash. I'll upload them tomorrow and see if any came out.

However, now I am pooped and going to bed.

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