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2003-09-25 @ 12:07 p.m.

do it rockapella

I should have called in sick and gone to see Pella's taping in the city today. But, I have to work work work. Oh well.

I also should be joining Jenn, Lou, Amy and Laura to St. Bonaventure on Saturday, but I�m not. Esp. now that Jenn didn�t get the job at ADP and she will not be the happiest of campers. Sorry to hear it Jenn. I would have probably gone if they didn�t already have 4 peeps in the car � but that�s fine. I should stay home and not spend the $$ and rest.

This week is going to be the tech week from hell. We finally finished blocking the entire show last night�just in time for tech. Oh my. There is still a lot of work to be done and it�s gonna be a lot of laaate nights. Hopefully by Tuesday we�ll have the set so that we can start cleaning up the blocking b/c it�s next to impossible when you don�t have the space you will be working on. Esp since our set is going to be 3 levels - a floor with 2 steps up to a platform across the entire stage and 2 circular staircases on either side of the stage leading to a bridge. And under the bridge is a center archway with an exit left and right. We�ll be ready though. I know it.

OH goodness my back is KILLING me today. Jeez.

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R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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