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2003-10-17 @ 11:32 a.m.

Paula hearts Clay

Last night in ballet class we were doing all our across the floor exercises to Clay Aiken�s new CD. So of course the first person I think of is Paula and how much she would love to be in my class at that moment. My class is me and like 6 older ladies (in their mid 40's and above) and this one woman is IN LOVE with Clay. She was flipping out for the like first few min b/c we were dancing to his CD. She was so excited � it was rather amusing. So I share this with Paula this morning on an IM and she types in our convo:

Wonka1106: i'm becoming obsessed with him and it's scary

HAHA. Therefore the reason for my entry title. Yay for the hearting!!

Last night at my weight I lost .6 lbs. Don�t know how I did that the way I ate this week and not going to the gym once and not drinking nearly enough water. Then I went to 2 hours of dance and sweated my ass off. Eileen yells at me not to plie during some of the barre exercises, but I can�t help it. My legs are too fat and do not close tight enough, so I have to do a little plie in order to get my feet to come back into 5th position. LOL.

Now this morning I put those .6 lbs and then some with my small vanilla chai tea from Dunkin Donuts. I would normally, in the past, have gotten the medium, but I tried to be semi-good and go for the small. Hehe.

And congratulations to my friends who made Into The Woods at The Stage. I�m jealous, but December was just out of the question for me. I will be there to see it though!!!

After work I have to rush home so I can watch Survivor as I get ready for J&H. My VCR didn�t tape it last night � grrr. I guess is good in a way b/c it was already 12:30 before the Yankees were done (thank your Aaron Boone for finally ending it) and I�m glad I went to bed instead of staying up at least another 45 min to watch Survivor. But I have to watch it before the show b/c Eye and Tony both watch it and we talk about it on Fridays.

And�I think I�m done for now.

Caaiioooo (said like Eddie Izzard riding a moped thru Italy)

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