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2003-11-19 @ 12:30 a.m.

something wicked this way comes ...

I cannot wait until June 4, 2004!!!


Harry Potter 3 trailer

I left work at 12:30 today to go to the dentist. I got my tooth drilled and fitted for a crown. Now I have a temporary on. It sucks. It�s sore. *insert cranky face here*

I got home and slept � my body was exhausted from being soooo super stressed over going to the dentist (I don�t handle going there very well). AND I hate the feeling of the novocaine afterwards � I just wanted to go to sleep and not think about it and hopefully wake up and it will be better. And it worked, but now its just sore. *insert cranky face here as well*

Then I went to knitting where I SUCKED ASS tonight. I couldn�t get one line done with out messing up. And did I just put it away when I got home, no, I was determined to get it done and f�ed up again. Grrr. Now I have to go back there on Sat so Susan the Knitting Queen can fix it for me b/c I tried and messed it up even more. *insert bigger cranky face here*

Then I came home and had a yummy yummy dinner � grandma�s broiled chicken in a pan. I love Tuesday night dinner at my house. *insert happy face here*

Then I went on the tread mill for 15 minutes despite my attempts to talk myself out of it. *insert another happy face here*

Then I found the above Harry Potter trailers on line and played on that site for a while (yeah, I�m a loser) but it made me feel better *insert yet another smiley face here*

So at the end of the day my smiley faces negated all my cranky faces � which always a good way to end your day. (Although I am going to take some advil before bed to hopefully make my tooth stop aching).

And now, my lovey dovies, I am off to sleepies with my woobie.

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Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
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