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2003-11-17 @ 2:32 p.m.

madness, merriment and mayhem

Well, this was certainly some weekend. Friday night I opted not to go to City Bar and just went to the diner with some J&H peeps � which was def the right choice to make for me. The City Bar thing didn�t start till 1:30am. I was on my way home at 1:30am. Saturday morning I did all I was supposed to do, except make it onto the tread mill. I got dressed and ready to go on it, but things kept happening and I ran out of time and I just never got on it. Oh well. There are good reasons why I am fat. Haha.

So Kim chopped off another like 2� or so from my length and on my top layers, about 3� � those bad boys are short! And I added more blonde highlights. It�s so funny how people are like �oo, you went red�. I�ve been red for 2 years you dummies. Every time I get a touch up I hear it. People are stupid. LOL.

The show sat night went really well and we had an almost sold out house which was a very nice change. 3 mishaps on Saturday for me though � first, at the end of the opening Fa�ade the poor clump to a final pose center stage. I line up in front of Anthony and then go down on one knee and turn out to my right. Anthony however (bless his heart) was downstage just a tad too much which caused me to move downstage a tad too much so when I went down on my knee and turned, I landed on the raised lip of the stage. All I have to say is thank goodness I am supposed to be making ugly faces then b/c it HURT. Today I now have a nice bruise on my knee. Second � after the red rat scene I gave Fran my chair and proceeded to walk down the 2 steps as normal to exit while ad libbing about Spyder. Only this time I slipped on the steps and went stumbling down them. Luckily enough I caught my balance before I fell on my ass. Unluckily enough, my friend Matt was sitting RIGHT there and had a perfect view of the whole tripping down the stairs dance. Pretty me. And third � and least tragic � was someone moved my suitcase that I carry across stage to Eileen during Murder and b/c I couldn�t find it I was a few sec late making the cross, which was kinda weird and I didn�t have bag to hand Eye. Not that is it important or crucial, but pissed me off all the same b/c I pre set that bag every day for 6 weekends in the same place. Friday night it was moved as well, but I found it right away so it didn�t bother me as much as on Saturday when I couldn�t find it all.

Then the cast party happened. OH boy did it happen. There was tons of food and tons of alcohol to be had. I knew I was in trouble when I was standing there with a drink in one hand and Jason comes over to me with another drink and says here take this. And I say I already have one. He says so, have another. And I say okay. I ate. I partied. I drank. I touched a few boobs. A few people touched my boobs. I tried something new (thanks Jeannine) and liked it (bad Jeannine!)- and I�m not talking about the rice balls, although those did rock as well. LOL. Bob B drunk is hysterical! Bob B in general is a funny guy and it was nice to get a chance to hang out and talk with him. We didn�t get to see him out much during the run b/c he had to baby his throat so this was a pleasant change. And I apologize again to him (although he doesn�t read this) for dropping the ball on the situation back stage after the show on Sat night. Sometimes I really am a blonde. Our hostess with the mostess threw an excellent party, however, she could have left out the part of bringing the party BACK to party via the wicker garbage can (hehe, love ya Ari) � note to self, never let Bob and Joy lick anything off of me b/c I could puke. Eventually it came down to me, Eileen, Steve (asleep on the chair), Jason, Kenny and Tom (was Diane there?? So bad I can�t remember!) talking till like 6am. Eileen and Steve go to leave and I was passing out so I grabbed the bed in the spare room and crashed.

Sundays show was a little rough at first. My body was still feeling the effects of the previous nights entertainment. Once I started going and got some food in me I was good to go. Except for one more trip and almost fall - for the first requim�s in Murder, Murder, the poor are in the wells on their knees praying. My position is basically right next to the person in the front row. I gather up my skirt to get up and my heel gets caught in the skirt tripping me and sending me INTO the woman sitting in the front row. I stopped myself by grabbing the arm of her chair (which luckily she was not using) but my head was basically IN her lap. The woman in the 2nd row behind her was leaning over reaching out her hand to grab me. It was one of the funniest things ever. I don�t know how I held my laughter till I got down and out the bay. My next entrance and blocking was right in front of those 2 ladies � I couldn�t look at them at all. The rest of the show went great for me�good closing weekend. There was this guy who is like the president of the J&H fan club or something and he told me that he really liked me and that I had a beautiful and powerful and voice and that he is going to write about me in his review. He writes reviews on local productions of the show. So go me and yeah for the nice guys who liked me. Haha. Oh and lovely Tony introduced me as a stalker to Doug Storm�hahahaha!!!

A few of us went to the diner and then stayed for the YPT J&H which was kinda cool to watch. As disturbing as it got at times with the language and crotch grabbing with the teens, they did an over all amazing job. Jeannine and I cheered like maniacs for them all. Jason kept showing me what was still in his pocket that I wanted to see all day (you rock my world!). Came home, chatted with Jenn and Ang for a few and crashed.

This was really a great run and a great cast. Here are just a few phrases that will remain in my head for a long time to come:

*This is my key chain, it holds my keys

*broken hip lady

*Do I look gay if I eat my sausage like this?

And last but not least:

*I neeeeed a cooooooooooooke.

Now onto the next show � Annie rehearsals start tonight. Only problem is I don�t know what time rehearsal is at�lol. If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks.

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Donna's Dads info...*note change in time* - 2005-01-06
R.I.P. Herb Waller - 2005-01-06
The End ?? - 2005-01-04
Sleepy's ... for the rest of your life - 2004-12-29
Puking is not fun. - 2004-12-29

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