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2003-11-23 @ 3:06 a.m.

Les Mis school ed at CM

*DISCLAIMER: If I offend anyone in my review, I apologize, but they are just the opinions of little ol' me*

Saw Les Mis at CM tonight. Technically the show was a mess. Actors were singing in the DARK for a lot of moments. The sound came in and out too often. The pit � I won�t even go there. It sounded like they got lost and the violin was so out of tune with everyone else and tempo�s and � they just sucked.

The actors (and non of this is bias b/c I am friends with some, just an honest opinion):

Javert (played by some 17 yr old named Jacob Gallay) kicked some serious ass! He was by far the best thing in the show. He was outstanding. I actually went up to him afterwards and introduced myself so I could tell him how great he was. I look forward to seeing him do other stuff.

Gina Biaz was a perfect Mdme Thenardier (despite the fact she is not in the program at all � the character itself isn�t even listed!). She was funny and mean and everything M Then should be. Her walk was hysterical. And she could sing the shit out of her part. I enjoyed that they let her sing more with Monsieur Thenardier than you normally hear.

Chris Timson was an endearing and very believable Marius. He sounded great and acted the role beautifully. You believed everything he said and did. And he actually got angry during ECAET when he sings about his friends dying in vain. I haven�t seen a Marius get mad like that and I wanted to run up and hug him.

Brianne Boyd�s voice is so far beyond her years. She is the first Fantine I have seen that I have actually really liked (and those of you who know me know that that is enough of a complement in itself).

Valjean had some really nice moments � but he just didn�t emote much to me. He seemed very stagnent and �going thru the motions� too often. He seemed to have a problem turning his back to the aud and seemed a little uncomfortable on stage to me. Some of his songs and transitions seemed a little wonky to me � but that could have been b/c the pit sucked so much so I can�t blame him for that. His 24601 rocked though! And BHH was pretty good as well. Hey for being only 17 years old (and just recently turning 17) and taking on such a role � my kudos go out to him b/c that is not easy!

Enjolras�oh poor Enjolras. This kid was soooooooo nasal he sounded 750million years younger than he prob was. And his arms! What about them you may ask? He didn�t move them! They were in � fists hanging at his sides the ENTIRE time. And if, I say IF, he did move them or one of them, it went right back to that position. He had one level of performance and very little emotion.

Gavrouche was amazing. He was better than any Gavrouche I�ve seen on Broadway � including the one on the recent tour that I saw.

I enjoyed the older Cossette�s voice �very pretty

Eponine just annoyed the crap out of me.

The rest of the cast was fine � it is a big undertaking for such young people and I give them lots of credit for doing. Especially since I heard they were at the theatre this afternoon still working on blocking and such. And it was opening night so I�m sure there were a lot of nerves jumping around. Over all though it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and def worth going to support these kids. I can�t wait for the CAP production.

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